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The Future Of Work

The world is changing, along with its technology, people, and their demands. Naturally, jobs won’t stay stagnant while everything else moves. 

As businesses we should be aware that customer demands will develop (largely due to the advancement of technology), and the future of work with it, but if you choose to look at it from an opportunist’s perspective, you will see considerable room for growth. 

So how can your company keep up with an ever-changing world? Here’s what we think:

Find the Skills Gap

With the evolution of our general lifestyle, there comes a shift in demanded skills. It’s important to stay on top of current and changing needs and wants, to avoid falling behind with the times.

Stay up to date with evolving demands

Be intentional about this action by regularly assessing what skills are in demand, and will likely be in demand in the future. This research will take you one step closer to pinpointing exactly which skills are missing within your organisation so you can move closer to filling those gaps. 

Look at the talent you have, to find the talent you need

Determine which skills your employees are lacking by examining the skills they do have, and whether those skills can carry out your organisation’s strategic priorities, and short and long-term goals. This will reveal your talent needs and show you exactly where to invest in your existing team’s skills, as well as which skills to prioritise when looking for future employees. 

Set Your Skills Strategy Into Motion

Your skills strategy needs to address current demands as well as anticipate future demands, and potential gaps in your skill supply. 

The 3 employee strategies

Redeploy, reskill or upskill? You have options! Once you know when there’s room for growth, you need a plan-of-action. 

  • Is it beneficial to your business to eliminate some job roles and move employees to where they are needed? 
  • Have you considered establishing new skill sets to build on an evolving or entirely shifted role?
  • Maybe the current role is still essential to your company’s vision, but your employees need to build a higher level of expertise in their area of work?

Execute your strategy 

This requires you to have specific learning journeys designed and delivered to your employees. Effective training will target the skill gaps you have already discovered, and provide learning opportunities to either small groups or individuals. An important part of execution is monitoring skills progress within your company and tracking its impact on business performance. 

Picking the right training provider is a crucial step in preparing your employees for the future of work. The company you partner with should be equipped with industry-specific knowledge that can curate learning journeys for your unique needs. 

Partner with Summit so we can use team training to help you transform your organisation into a future-focused, top-performing competitor in your specific industry.